Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The first brick in the road

Well I did it. I finally caved. I started my own blog. This may seem obvious since you're reading it but bear with me.

Why "sand in my boots" you may ask?

•More than five years of working for the military where "Boots in the Sand" is a common phrase.
•I love boots and have quite an extensive collection, which I often wear at inappropriate times.
•I recently lived in the desert and now I basically live on the beach, both places where sand is found.
•It's a good visual.
•If you're going to question everything I write, this is going to be a long and arduous relationship.

Basically, I always have these weird, funny and bizarre things happen around me, and I enjoy telling stories. So sit down, shut up and prepare to laugh.

If you're already offended, the forecast doesn't look too bright for you finding amusement in my thoughts, so feel free peruse some other page.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so gloriously excited to read your adventures. I need to e-subscribe somehow. Love you!
